
Five with a farmer group – Burdekin Productivity Services

Burdekin Productivity Services is a not-for-profit grower and miller owned organisation in far north Queensland. We caught up with...

Soil CRC Patron reappointed as National Soils Advocate

Patron of the Soil CRC, Major General the Honourable Michael Jeffery was reappointed as National Soils Advocate by Prime Minister,...

Prime Minister praises Soil CRC

The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, today praised the efforts of the Soil CRC at the Bush Summit in Dubbo. ...

NSW EPA joins the Soil CRC

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has joined the Soil CRC as a Partner....

Five minutes with a farmer group: West Midlands Group

The Soil CRC caught up with a very busy Nathan Craig – the Executive Officer from West Midlands Group for a five minute chat....

Profile: Murdoch University

The Sandy soils project team at the Soil CRC conference Located in Perth, Murdoch University is the only Soil CRC University partn...