Completed Projects
Project 1.1.001
Activating markets to create incentives for improved soil management literature scoping study
Professor Mark Morrison – Project Leader
Charles Sturt University
The project developed a user manual for selecting, adapting and where necessary, creating and implementing market-based instruments.
Market-based instruments involve the identification or creation of financial or other incentives and, where needed, the removal or reduction of disincentives, for improved soil management within consumer or other markets.
The team of researchers from CSU, UTAS, USQ and UON working on this output developed potential project ideas in this area. They identified key issues and stakeholders, clarified program objectives and scoped out potential project areas.
They liaised with Soil CRC industry partners to clarify issues, provided an overview of market-based incentives, gauged their support for proposed projects and got insights into potential modifications to future projects.
Project 1.1.002
How better soil management could affect property prices
Professor Mark Morrison – Project Leader
Charles Sturt University
The goal of this project was to understand how soil management practices influence property prices, so farmers can better understand the pay-off from investments in improving soil management. A hedonic pricing model that uses internal and external factors to determine a property’s value or price was be applied.
Hedonic pricing models measure the effect of identified factors on future property prices through statistical analyses that determine the relationship between different data points. To build a hedonic pricing model, it is critical to collect data about property prices and the identified factors. This is what this project sought to achieve.
The project had three components:
- Data collection of property sale prices
- Data collection of contributing factors from a farmer perspective
- Training of a research officer in hedonic pricing model analysis
The project team collected and built datasets on the following:
- Sources and availability of data required for hedonic price analysis,
- Soil feature and soil management databases and geographic information system (GIS) layers,
- Property sale prices,
- A range of other property characteristics including (farm size, fencing, slope, yield, vegetation, presence of a house, farm infrastructure, accessibility etc.), and
- Farmer contact details.
The project involved interviews with farmers and property agents to better understand the factors influencing farmers when purchasing properties.
*This project has additional funding provided by the NSW Government Department of Industry’s Research Attraction and Acceleration Program (RAAP).
Project 1.1.003
Understanding and promoting good soil stewardship
Professor Mark Morrison – Project Leader
Charles Sturt University
The Activating markets to create incentives for improved soil management literature scoping study identified the lack of research on what consumers know about soil stewardship and its effects on consumer demand.
In the current market, there are few incentives for the good soil management. To address this, farmers need a better understanding of the consumer demand for soil stewardship and their willingness to pay. Once this is determined, communication strategies and materials will be developed to promote good soil stewardship to consumers, then the requirements and potential use of this information by food processors will be examined.
This project will develop and trial a range of different communication materials to educate and promote soil stewardship to consumers in order to determine whether consumers are willing to pay more for food that has been produced using good soil stewardship practices.
The project will also engage with value chain stakeholders to better understand their potential demand for information about consumer’s willingness to pay, perceived obstacles for its use, and specific information requirements for rewarding farmers for quality practices.
Involving and researching value-chain stakeholders is critical for achieving the goal of financially rewarding famers for improved soil stewardship. Even if consumers are found to be willing to pay for soil stewardship, and this can be activated through effective communications, the end-goal of rewarding farmers through higher prices for their products will not be achieved without the cooperation of critical value chain stakeholders such as food manufacturers and retailers. These intermediaries are essential for presenting soil stewardship attributes on their products and providing financial incentives for landholders.
Related Programs
Charles Sturt University
University of Tasmania
Project 1.2.001
Scoping systems of acceptance of improved soil management, with a focus on decision support systems and tools
Associate Professor Catherine Allan – Project Leader
Charles Sturt University
The Soil CRC will produce various outputs and products with the potential to increase the performance of agricultural soils in Australia. Farmers will only adopt and invest in products that are relevant, and to do this they need access to decision support systems (DSS). A comprehensive review determined the range, availability and suitability of existing DSS relevant to soil management.
The objective was to indicate the scope for the Soil CRC to use existing farmer decision support interfaces for the uptake and use of research outputs.
This scoping study review considered the broader context as well as scoped the existing DSS, and therefore supported the outputs of the Soil CRC.
They ran a series of facilitated on-line and in-person meetings among approximately 20 Soil CRC members working with Program 1.2 and 1.3, and in other Soil CRC Programs, in particular Program 4.
Project 1.2.002
Why soil management practices are adopted
Associate Professor Vaughan Higgins – Project Leader
University of Tasmania
Farmer uptake of soil management programs and techniques is historically, relatively slow. This project sets out to understand why farmers do not adopt soil management improvement programs. It will investigate whether current strategies and techniques for adoption are working. It examine the commonalities, differences and effectiveness of soil improvement priorities, drivers and pathways.
The project will examine and identify the social drivers that influence adoptability of improved soil management at the farm scale. This will lead to a second phase of understanding the policies and institutional settings that promote adoption. By addressing the issues that lead to a lack of adoption of soil management programs, we will begin to ensure an increase in adoption in the future.
The project team will partner with farming groups across five states to develop a criteria for adoptability that will lead to an increase in adoption of improved soil management practices. Not only will this criteria help future Soil CRC projects to ensure uptake of new research findings, but will be of broader use for the farming community.
Related Programs
Fact sheets
University of Tasmania
Birchip Cropping Group
Central West Farming Systems
Charles Sturt University
Eyre Peninsula Agricultural Research Foundation
Mackillop Farm Management Group
Riverine Plains Inc.
University of Southern Queensland
Western Australian No-Tillage Farmers Association
Project 1.2.003
Collaborative approaches to innovation
Dr Nicholas Pawsey – Project Leader
Charles Sturt University
This project investigated how farmers who manage their soil well can be financially rewarded. It took a multi-disciplinary approach, involving soil researchers, farmer groups and the finance industry. Working together, they established a shared understanding of the soil-farmer-finance ‘system’.
Existing networks were strengthened and new ones developed in order to establish an agenda for on-going collaborative studies concerning how consumers value soil management and the financial mechanisms that promote effective and sustainable soil management practices.
The project demonstrated effective principles of collaboration that can be used by other Soil CRC projects that seek to understand the research needs of farmers and other stakeholders.
The longer term objective was to ensure that agricultural financial decision processes, together with land valuation practices, recognise farmers who enhance soil condition and also recognise the costs of soil degradation. This is ultimately to enable increased access to lower cost finance for farmers who engage in practices recognised as improving soil security, condition and productivity. The project was executed through a series of three workshops and the use of online collaborative platforms.
Related Programs
One year
Charles Sturt University
Federation University
Murdoch University
University of Southern Queensland
Project 1.2.004
Surveying farm practices
Dr Hanabeth Luke – Project Leader
Southern Cross University
The collective behaviour of individual farmers can have a significant impact on the broader health of the economy and natural resources of Australia. It is with this understanding that practices and products are being developed within the Soil CRC to influence some of these behaviours.
This project initiated the process of surveying a range of land managers to better understand their current practices, the influences on their decision-making, and how they believe they will be farming in the future. Three regions were surveyed as part of this project: the Western Australian Wheatbelt, the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia and North Central Victoria.
A follow-on project, ‘What drives farmer decisions?‘, surveyed three additional regions to complete the first round of surveys. Land managers across all six regions will be surveyed again to help develop a longitudinal understanding of farmer practices, aspirations and motivations.
The data from the survey project is being used by the Soil CRC and our partners to better target our innovations and communications and inform strategic planning.
Related Programs
Fact sheets
Southern Cross University
Charles Sturt University
North Central CMA
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Primary Industries and Regions SA
Western Australian No-Tillage Farmers Association
West Midlands Group
Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Group (Third Party)
Project 1.3.001
Risk assessment of new practices
Associate Professor Kala Saravanathu
– Project leader University of Newcastle
Decisions about sustainably increasing soil productivity are often influenced by financial profitability rather than considerations of ecosystem resilience. This project used integrated risk management software to facilitate collaborative resilience thinking. It integrated field data about on-farm productivity with farmers’ and experts’ real-world, lived experiences of how farm productivity is affected by the consequences of unsustainable practices.
It mapped out the risk profiles for a catchment using farmers’ and experts’ shared meanings of the risks and benefits emerging from the Soil CRC’s research. This in turn will help farmers and their advisers decide on acceptable risk thresholds, which ultimately increases farmer productivity and profitability.
The project used a web-based, integrated risk platform to socially integrate the multi-dimensional attributes of soil re-engineering interventions. It enables the transfer of knowledge between scientists and farmers as they examine the consequences of re-engineering.
Related Programs
2 years
University of Newcastle
Birchip Cropping Group
Central West Farming Systems
Charles Sturt University
Project 1.4.001
Innovation capability building
Professor David Falepau – Project Leader
Charles Sturt University
Through this project, the Soil CRC will build long term innovation capability within the participating organisations. It will establish innovation partnership agreements and complete innovation strategic plans with Soil CRC partner farmer groups. Innovation programs are often generic, so to avoid this, a program will be tailored to the needs of the Soil CRC participants (including farmer groups) and innovations will be targeted towards achieving greater economic returns on investment in good soil stewardship.
Over the longer term, it is intended the program will integrate across all of the Soil CRC Programs, and participants creating an innovation eco-system targeted at high performance soils.
The building of long term innovation capability within participating organisations is intended to extend the benefits of the Soil CRC investment well beyond the life of the Soil CRC.
*This project has additional funding provided by the NSW Government Department of Industry’s Research Attraction and Acceleration Program (RAAP).
Project 1.4.002
Building farmer innovation capability
Professor David Falepau – Project Leader
Charles Sturt University
Lack of adoption of agricultural technologies and practices by farmers has historically been a significant problem. In order to stay competitive farmers increasingly need to undergo rapid transformation.
This project began the refinement of a partnership approach which builds the long term capability of farmers, through farmer groups, to lead the innovation process from ideation through to commercialisation and adoption. Farmers are most likely to adopt the technologies and practices that they initiate or develop.
The project trained an innovation manager within each participating farmer group on how to design and implement an innovation system. They were also trained on how to support farmer members to build their capability to develop innovative soil management technologies and practices specific to their farms and management systems.
Initially, the project built the capacity of four Soil CRC farmer groups to implement innovation systems that focus on soil management. The longer term vision for this project was to roll out this innovation capability partnership model to other Soil CRC farmer groups and agribusinesses and beyond.
Related Programs
One year
Charles Sturt University
Birchip Cropping Group
Central West Farming Systems
Herbert Cane Productivity Services
Riverine Plains Inc.
Project 2.1.001
A review of indicators of soil health and function: farmers’ needs and data management
Associate Professor Peter Dahlhaus – Project Leader
Federation University
The aim of this review was to determine which indicators would be most practical to improve profitability for Australian farmers.
This included examining whether we have suitable data available to measure and monitor trends, the tools to store, share and make this data available as well as determining what additional data is required, how they are best collected and ensuring that the data and tools are available beyond the life of the CRC.
As a scoping study, the outcomes will guide future CRC projects by providing a comprehensive review of the relevance of reliable, easily measurable and practical soil health and function indicators and their ability to link soil measurements with yield, productivity and profitability.
Project 2.1.002
Is the isotopic composition of bulk soil carbon and nitrogen a robust indicator of agricultural soil health?
Dr Naomi Wells – Project Leader
Southern Cross University
The goal of this project was to identify indicators of carbon and nitrogen status in soils that can be used across a wide range of soil types, while minimising any possible laboratory bias and also being measurable on archived soil samples.
To establish farm-relevant indicators of soil health, the complexity of overlapping effects of climate, soil type and management practices need to be considered. Data is required on baseline soil nutrient cycling capacity to connect on-farm measurements to soil health.
The proposed research outlined the local ‘soil health’ definitions that will underpin the next 10 years of Soil CRC research of managing high performance soils across Australia’s diverse climatic growing regions.
*This project has additional funding provided by the NSW Government Department of Industry’s Research Attraction and Acceleration Program (RAAP).
Project 2.1.004
Smelling soil
Dr Shane Powell – Project Leader
University of Tasmania
Farmers often intuitively assess soil by smell. There is strong evidence that the fingerprint of gases emitted from soil can identify the composition and activity of the microbial community which relates to soil health. Currently there are no field based sensors to diagnose soil health using aromas. An ‘electronic nose’ offers a solution to this problem.
Work has begun on the prototype eNose and a range of sensors to show “proof of concept” of this technology. The eNose is being co-developed with farmers to ensure that the technology is useful, usable and provides relevant information which is easily interpreted and understood by farmers themselves. Being able to do this will mean that farmers can make the right management decisions to improve crop performance and yield, especially in poor soils.
An objective diagnosis of soil health will assist farmers and other land managers in understanding which management practices and environmental events have positive or negative effects on soil microbial communities, as well as enabling the temporal monitoring of soil microbial health.
Currently, there are very few rapid and cost effective in-field techniques available to assess and monitor the health of soil microbial communities. The eNose will “smell” the soil (via gas sensors) and then translate this gas fingerprint into microbial health metrics. Microorganisms in the soil produce many chemicals including volatile organic carbons (VOCs). These are small carbon-based molecules that evaporate easily. Different types of microbes produce different VOCs that the eNose can detect and use to provide an indication of how the soil microorganisms are functioning.
This project aims to build on expertise available through previous eNose research activities and build on existing sensor technologies. The project will have very close synergy with other Soil CRC research into determining the key microbial indicators of performance.
The soil eNose could be used as a stand-alone tool, complete with other soil (temperature, pH, and moisture) sensors, or integrated into more complex precision agriculture systems including components which are under development by the Soil CRC.
The prototype eNose is being built by an expert in eNose technology for measuring volatiles emitted during insect damage to crops. The prototype consists of a sensor array made from low cost, off-the-shelf components. Existing sensors used include: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrocarbons, ammonia, organic solvents, nitrogen dioxide, ethylene, and nitric oxide. They are exploiting the cross sensitivity of these sensors to create a signature of soil aromas. The tool will also include basic environmental monitoring capability (soil moisture, pH and temperature; air temperature and humidity).
The eNose will function biometrically i.e. in a similar way to how humans smell. Humans have learnt to associate certain aromas with certain items – although there is no ability to measure or identify the exact gases present.
The eNose design we propose mimics biochemical processes and the exact compounds emitted do not need to be identified. We aim to use the signature of these compounds as a proxy for health and function of the soil. Some of the sensors however will act in a traditional capacity, e.g. the eNose will have a carbon dioxide sensor (carbon dioxide flux is commonly used as a measure of soil respiration, it is known that high respiration rates are associated with healthy and productive soils).
An eNose will be located on a single farm for a “proof of concept” test that it can observe changes in gas emissions over time. Data will be analysed using the basic calibration data acquired in lab testing and related to basic response variables shown by the stress trials. The eNose prototype is currently being tested with some farmers, with more testing to come.
Related Programs
Fact sheets
University of Tasmania
Birchip Cropping Group
Southern Farming Systems
Soils for Life
Project 2.2.001
Soil sensor technologies – which ones are most useful for smarter farming?
Dr Marcus Hardie and Assoc Prof John Bennett – Project Leaders
University of Tasmania and University of Southern Queensland
The purpose of the review was to identify existing and prototype soil sensors for consideration by the Soil CRC for investment in research and development.
The review focused on proximal (installed in or immediately above the soil), point scale and mobile sensors and sensory systems. The review considered potential chemical, physical and biological sensors for indicating soil health, function or performance.
Emphasis was placed on reviewing sensors for priority soil attributes identified by growers in Project 2.1.001
Project 2.3.001
Visualising Australasia’s Soils
Associate Professor Peter Dahlhaus – Project Leader
Federation University
The Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS) project aims to make Australasian soils data from all sectors visible and reusable, according to agreed governance principles, so that Soil CRC participants can maximise the value of their research.
VAS has two long-term objectives:
- To make existing soils data more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) to provide a range of benefits for research, on-farm decision making and policy development.
- To integrate with other initiatives from the local to international scale that are aiming to liberate soils data and make it available according to the FAIR framework.
Phase 1 (this project) ran from 2019-2021 and saw the launch of the Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS) spatial data portal. The VAS portal provides an online place to discover and share soils information, activities and research from Australia and New Zealand.
Phase 1 collaborators included three universities, one government agency, 13 farmer groups, two Catchment Management Authorities and one industry partner. Engaging with the project participants helped us understand their motivations for being involved in the project and their aspiring use-cases for the VAS system.
The design of the system architecture was based on the use-cases, resulting in a federated data supply model that includes a cloud-based data aggregator for the participant’s soil data.
Bringing together the data has been unexpectedly challenging because of the lack of metadata, immature data stewardship practices, poor data literacy of the participants, and the incongruency of the data. Harmonising and modelling the federated data into reliable products posed a significant challenge.
At the end of the first phase, the participants had provisioned 827 soil sites at which approximately 4384 samples were taken with about 77,332 soil observations. Some of the 1628 open public sector soil datasets available were publicly viewable in the VAS portal.
Phase 2 of the project (2021-2024) aims to create an independent and enduring soil research data federation of public and private sector data. Key objectives are motivating soil data custodians to make their data ‘Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable’ (FAIR) and aligning with other initiatives to maximise discovery and reuse.
The research will now continue under Phase 3 (2024-2027), which will focus on the system’s legacy and transforming VAS into an enduring Australasian soils knowledge system.
Related Programs
Fact sheets
Related links
Federation University Australia
Landcare Research New Zealand
University of Tasmania
University of Southern Queensland
Birchip Cropping Group
Burdekin Productivity Services
Central West Farming Systems
Gillamii Centre
Herbert Cane Productivity Services
Liebe Group
Mackillop Farm Management Group
Mallee Sustainable Farming
North Central Catchment Management Authority
Riverine Plains
Southern Farming Systems
Wimmera Catchment Authority
Project 3.1.001
Review and meta-analysis of waste-derived fertiliser products, nano-porous materials for pesticide delivery, and moisture retention and microbial carrier technologies
Professor Chengrong Chen – Project Leader
Griffith University
Intensive agriculture has led to land degradation in some areas. Together with inefficient use of fertiliser and pesticides/herbicides, the productivity and sustainability of many agricultural systems in Australia is greatly limited.
The aim of this scoping study was to undertake a comprehensive review and meta-analysis of potential values of waste by-products and natural resources in Australia to be used for manufacturing new fertilisers, nano-porous materials for pesticide/herbicide delivery, and moisture retention and microbial carrier products.
The outcomes provided recommendations on the priorities for future research investment to meet Program 3 Milestone Output 1 (novel high performance fertiliser products), 2 (new low residual pesticide/ herbicide delivery systems) and 4 (effective delivery of beneficial microorganisms).
Project 3.1.002
Identifying the processes for unlocking soil phosphorus to increase soil productivity
Dr Dane Lamb – Project Leader
University of Newcastle
The goal of this project was to understand the reactions of phosphorous fertilisers in soils and the various chemical and biological processes involved in unlocking phosphorous so that crops can use it, thereby increasing the productivity of Australian agricultural soils.
Although phosphorous is present in significant quantities in many agricultural soils, a majority proportion exists in strongly adsorbed or insoluble inorganic forms, and therefore is not bioavailable to agricultural crops.
Most modern agriculture systems are heavily reliant on recurrent inputs of nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium, magnesium and trace elements. These nutrients are derived primarily from synthetic fertilisers using nutrient rich mineral resources such as phosphate rock and elemental sulphur. With increasing costs of fertiliser production and decline in the supply of natural mineral resources, farmers face the challenge of ensuring crops have sufficient access to the nutrients they need to thrive.
*This project has additional funding provided by the NSW Government Department of Industry’s Research Attraction and Acceleration Program (RAAP).
Project 3.1.004
Application of liquid biosolids
Dr Aravind Surapaneni – Project Leader
South East Water
Australian farmers experience soil constraints both at the surface and subsurface which affect the ability of crops to absorb water and essential nutrients. Using nutrient rich organic waste materials including biosolids (sewage sludge) could be a more economically viable option to the rising costs of fertilisers. This solution also addresses the need for more efficient, socio-economically acceptable and environmentally sound disposal options for biosolids.
Safe and cost-effective disposal of sewage sludge generated from the wastewater treatment is one of the major environmental challenges facing the water industry and communities today. Cities in Australia and elsewhere generate high volume of wastewater and solids, which results in high environmental footprint. There is an urgent need to develop, evaluate and implement alternative and diversified options for biosolids management and utilisation.
Subsoil injection of liquid organic wastes including biosolids, animal manures and food industry wastes has been practiced in Europe and North America since the 1980s, but it is not common practice in Australia. This project will explore the agronomic benefits and environmental effects of direct subsoil injection of sewage sludge taken from wastewater lagoons. It will be targeting improvements in soil structure and fertility as a result of subsoil injection of sewage sludge.
This project will involve research, development and demonstration (RD&D) processes to study the agronomic benefits and environmental risks of injecting wastewater sludge into subsoil. The project will be conducted at Longwarry Water Recycling Plant in Victoria for three years, and will investigate the factors such as time, capital, infrastructure, machinery, cost, labour, energy and environment associated to the operation. The sludge will be applied at the Longwarry RD&D site after pre and post treatment processes and a summer sorghum crop will be established for two consecutive seasons to study the agronomic value of injected sludge in subsoil.
Project 3.3.001
Mapping projects on ameliorating soil constraints, and review of soil constraints, products and technologies
Dr Susan Orgill – Project Leader
NSW Department of Primary Industries
This project identified the location, scope and impact of current research investigating soil constraints to agricultural production, and reviewed the major soil constraints to Australian agriculture and the amelioration products and technologies to manage these constraints.
This project produced a report based on an objective needs assessment using an economic framework for prioritisation that will be critical in deciding the future research directions for Program 3.
Project 3.4.001
Evaluating alternative rhizobial carriers
Professor Chengrong Chen – Project Leader
Griffith University
Rhizobium inoculation has contributed significantly to the supply of nitrogen in most farming systems, but the availability of peat – the most widely used carrier for Rhizobium – is a non-renewable resource and is becoming increasingly scarce in many regions. As well as this, the existing inoculation techniques often result in low survival rates of rhizobia on the seed and in the soil due to desiccation and heat, and this limits the nitrogen-fixing efficacy of the rhizobial inoculants.
This project will employ a suite of advanced analytical approaches to evaluate the suitability of locally available, low cost organic and inorganic materials, biochars produced from different feed stocks and pyrolysis conditions, and emerging biopolymers as alternative carriers for effectively delivering rhizobia.
The project will also address the issue of capturing and retaining moisture to improve prolonged survival of rhizobial inoculants. There will be new knowledge on cost-effective alternative carriers for formulation of rhizobial inoculants to improve legume nitrogen-fixation and soil productivity in Australian farming systems.
This project will evaluate locally available and newly emerging alternative carriers to provide practical solutions to the desiccation issue through close collaboration with industry and farmer groups.
The key outputs will be the new knowledge on alternative carrier materials for capturing and retaining moisture as well as supporting the growth of rhizobia, and ultimately, other soil performance enhancing bacteria.
Novel alternative carrier products selected and manufactured during this project after glasshouse trials will be gradually adopted in collaboration with inoculant manufacturers to a small scale production for trial by farmer groups.
This project will contribute to economic benefits for farmers through reduced nitrogen inputs, cheaper and more effective inoculants and better crop and pasture yields.
Related Programs
Griffith University
The University of Newcastle
Murdoch University
Central West Farming Systems
Herbert Cane Productivity Services
Burdekin Productivity Services
Australian Organics Recycling Association
Project 4.1.001
Scoping study to identify and prioritise regional soil constraints
Diana Parsons – Project Leader
Central West Farming Systems
This scoping study consulted with end users to identify the key issues that are contributing to lower production due to soil constraints so that the future research of program 4 (with aspects informing Program 3, output 3) can be directed and targeted to deliver outcomes in these areas.
A key deliverable of this study is the establishment of formal engagement between researchers and growers in the identification and prioritisation of issues. The on-ground relationships this scoping study established are critical to the successful adoption of future Soil CRC outcomes.
Project 4.1.003
Evaluating soil functional resilience
Dr Mehran Rezaei Rashti – Project Leader
Griffith University
Compaction and drought can affect soil fertility and health which in turn can lead to a decline in crop yield and profitability. There is a lack of practical protocols for measuring soil health indicators. In order to drive practice change, growers need access to simple, robust and affordable methods for measuring their soil health status.
This project will assess the resilience of soil against the environmental stresses of compaction and drought in agricultural ecosystems.
It aims to provide an improved process based understanding of relationships between compaction and drought stresses, soil ecosystem resilience and functionality and sustainable crop productivity and profitability. The knowledge generated will be critical for Soil CRC partners and farmer groups that work towards adoption of best management practices for re-engineering of stressed soils for higher crop productivity and farm profitability. In the longer term, the tests and protocols produced in this project will have broader application across Australian farmer group networks and agricultural industries.
There are three major research components developed in this project to provide an improved process based understanding of how soil systems function, change and adapt to compaction and drought stresses.
- Identification of main indicators of soil functional resilience in grain and sugarcane cropping systems against compaction and drought stresses.
- Improvement of soil functional resilience to compaction and drought stresses for re-engineering of higher performance soils.
- Development of robust and affordable protocols for evaluation of soil resilience against compaction and drought stresses in grain and sugarcane cropping systems.
Related Programs
Griffith University
Facey Group
Herbert Cane Productivity Services
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project 4.1.004
Regenerative farming systems
Dr Gwen Grelet – Project Leader
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research NZ
A growing number of innovative farmers are attempting to restore or improve the performance of Australian soils using regenerative practices that are designed to build soil carbon. However, up until now, evidence of success has been largely anecdotal. This project will take a co-innovation approach, including researchers, farmers and extension practitioners to quantify the effectiveness of regenerative farming systems for improving soil performance across defined soil and climate constraints. Through a series of workshops, shared research needs will be defined and prioritised, and a collaborative research program will be developed and implemented to help farmers better understand how regenerative agriculture practices might be used in Australian agriculture.
Regenerative agriculture seeks to enhance synergetic relationships that build organic matter and increase soil carbon, using a range of practices including no-tillage, cover crops, crop rotations, intercropping, integrated livestock management, increased biodiversity and diversification, reduced inputs of synthetic fertilisers and biocides, addition of biological products such as compost, seaweed extracts, fish hydrolysates and vermicast. These practices are aimed at optimising soil carbon functionality, with the ultimate result being an increase in plant and animal performance.
The effects of individual practices have sometimes been studied in isolation, but regenerative farmers adopt a whole-system approach that has been mostly overlooked by research scientists. The lack of engagement between scientists and regenerative farmers is partly due to (i) the variety of practices are difficult to classify, (ii) the knowledge being context-specific and scattered amongst practitioners; (ii) regenerative management strategies (holistic) being viewed as too complex and time consuming to become mainstream.
This project will promote collaboration between scientists and regenerative farmers, in order to study carbon functionality in regenerative farming systems and quantify key farm performance outcomes.
At the core of the project is a co-innovation platform seeking to progress relationships between researchers, farmers and extension practitioners, from engagement to collaboration. This platform enables co-delivery of a research program focussed on characterising carbon functionality in regenerative farming systems. The program is investigating whether soil carbon functionality can be improved using regenerative farming practices (including extremely carbon poor soils), and whether regenerative farm management strategies do indeed increase farm performance across multiple key outcomes.
Related Programs
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research NZ
Primary Industries and Regions SA
Soils for Life
Wheatbelt NRM
Project 4.2.001
Improved management of herbicide residues in soil
Dr Michael Rose – Project Leader
NSW Department of Primary Industries
The loss of productivity due to herbicide residues as a soil constraint has not been accurately determined due to the complexity and lack of tools to quantify herbicide damage. However, it is thought to be significant, particularly in sandy soils.
Herbicides are a valuable tool for controlling weeds and realising crop yield potential. Currently, herbicide label guidelines are general and unable to account for the combinations of soil types and weather conditions that can affect herbicide persistence in soil. Herbicide residues in soils can limit crop performance if not managed correctly. It is difficult for growers and advisors to know whether herbicide residues will cause issues, because the persistence and behaviour of these residues depends on numerous site-specific factors, including soil and climatic conditions.
Increased weed resistance to herbicides means that many growers are increasing application doses and frequency, increasing the range of herbicides used and importantly, returning to pre-emergent residual herbicides.
Growers need evidence-backed guidance on the site-specific persistence of herbicides to allow for flexible crop selection and avoidance of plant-back damage, and field-validated information on the potential long-term effects of herbicide residues on soil and crop health.
There are currently very few tools to assist growers to determine the level of herbicide residues present, and if they negatively affect soil and crop performance. This project will develop new knowledge and tools to better understand the factors regulating herbicide persistence and bioavailability. This will give farmers an increased confidence in crop choice, timing of sowing and herbicide management to ensure soil and crop performance are not limited by herbicide residues.
The outcome will be that farmers are better informed and equipped to react to variable environmental and soil conditions, which will reduce risk and increase crop diversity, yields and economic returns at a lower environmental cost. Importantly, major losses after planting will be eliminated and farmers will have greater flexibility in crop rotations to further build soil health.
Related Programs
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Murdoch University
Southern Cross University
Birchip Cropping Group
Project 4.2.002
Addressing complex soil constraints
Dr Jason Condon – Project Leader
Charles Sturt University
Soils often exhibit multiple constraints that limit their productivity. Historically, attempts to address these constraints have been conducted via research that addresses each constraint individually. Each problem has an industry “best practice” solution but when these are applied in combination to handle multiple constraints, the input costs and practicality of application often create barriers to adoption and the constraint remains.
The eradication of these limitations requires complex solutions rather than treating each constraint in isolation. An opportunity exists to introduce novel amelioration methods that seek to address multiple constraints with a single application.
This project will determine the mechanistic mode of action of novel soil re-engineering methods to fix complex soil constraints. It will facilitate increases in plant productivity and develop more resilient cropping systems.
The project findings will allow farmers to identify the upper limit of production from their soils and inform site and amendment selection for future field studies. Project data will be utilised by Soil CRC researchers to inform economic modelling and construction and refinement of decision support systems which in turn can inform farmers how to best manage their soil.
Collaborating grower groups will identify their priority soils, exhibiting multiple constraints to production, for inclusion in controlled environment studies conducted in glasshouse facilities. Small plot studies will also be conducted on selected soils.
Related Programs
Two and a half years
Charles Sturt University
Birchip Cropping Group
Agriculture Victoria
Facey Group
Hart Field Site Group
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Riverine Plains Inc.
Central West Farming Systems
Project 4.3.001
Soil models, tools and data: Current state of play, future directions and setting up for longevity and a legacy from the CRC for High Performance Soils
Dr Keith Pembleton – Project Leader
University of Southern Queensland
The suite of decision support systems (DSS) needed to be reviewed and assessed to ensure their effectiveness and their usefulness and longevity beyond the life of the Soil CRC.
This scoping project mapped, reviewed and assessed the landscape of the DSS, models and data. Recommendations have been made on how DSS developed through the Soil CRC can build on past research to have impact and longevity.
Project 4.3.002
Improving decision supports systems
Dr Keith Pembleton – Project Leader
University of Southern Queensland
Farmers face multiple, complex soil constraints that are difficult and costly to diagnose, assess and ameliorate.
Following on from the scoping study Soil models, tools and data: Current state of play, future directions and setting up for longevity and a legacy from the CRC for High Performance Soils, this project will address the issue that most Decision Support Systems (DSS) do not allow for complex soil constraints in their modelling.
Currently, the models and DSS used in Australian agriculture have a limited ability to represent a diversity of soil constraints and how these constraints interact to affect crop and pasture production. Essentially, only nitrogen fertility and soil water dynamics in dryland environments is well represented.
This project will improve already existing and widely used DSS (ARM Online, Yield Prophet and Soil Water App) through developing soil constraint modules to increase the reliability of predictions that can be used in the paddock.
Focusing on DSS with existing user bases will ensure early and rapid adoption and will provide enhanced decision support to the agricultural industry for addressing complex soil productivity and constraint challenges that limit farm productivity. Ultimately, this will help farmers and advisers to formulate interventions and new management strategies to improve productivity.
Incorporating developments into existing DSS will ensure that the project has a direct payoff to Australian farmers and will enable them to identify efficient strategies to address soil constraints to production for their specific circumstances. This represents a significant user base that will facilitate the early uptake of the projects outputs leading to rapid impacts.
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