Project Update: Smelling soil
Farmers often intuitively assess soil by smell. There's evidence that the fingerprint of gases emitted from soil can identify the composition and activity of the microbial community which relates to soil health.
Parliamentary Friends of Soil group announced
A Parliamentary Friends of Soil group has been established, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister the Hon Michael McCormack, with the Hon Linda Burney MP acting as co-chair.
Five with a farmer group – AIR EP
In May this year, the Lower Eyre Agricultural Development Association (LEADA) and the Eyre Peninsula Agricultural Research Foundation (EPARF) officially amalgamated to form AIR EP.
Partner Profile: Southern Cross University
The team of Soil CRC researchers from Southern Cross University work in the School of Environment, Science and Engineering; Southern Cross Plant Science and the Centre for Organics Research.
Profile: Mark Morrison – Environmental Economist
Unlike many of the researchers who work for the Soil CRC, Professor Mark Morrison’s academic life didn’t begin with soil.