Project Update: New amendments for sandy soils
A Soil CRC project team led by Prof. Richard Bell at Murdoch University hypothesise that the solution is to permanently raise the reactive surface area of a sandy soil with added clay or recalcitrant organic matter, or both, to help address the lack of supply of resources.
Biochar improves soil properties
The application of biochar, the charcoal produced from the slow pyrolysis of a biomass, has been found to improve soil properties in several ways.
Soil carbon – if it is cheaper to measure, will it increase faster?
Reducing soil carbon measurement costs and saying it will increase soil carbon sequestration is like saying “get a better stopwatch and you will run faster”.
Partner Profile: NSW Department of Primary Industries
As a major partner in the Soil CRC, NSW DPI value the collaborations that occur between universities, grower groups and industry.
Researchers question soil carbon — a key plank of the new Technology Investment Roadmap
From ABC Country Hour: The Federal Government's new energy policy has identified carbon farming as a key method of reducing emissions.
PhD student profile: Jaye Hill
Jaye Hill is a Soil CRC PhD student studying at the University of Southern Queensland and working on the PhD project Proximal soil sensing to measure and map soil nutrients.
The impact of age on farmer behaviours
The Surveying Farm Practices team has been digging deeper into the results of their survey in north central Victoria to examine what difference age makes to farm management decisions.
From weeds to WANTFA
Growing up in Perth, David's exposure to rural life was limited to visiting a friend’s farm, but as an adult he has found himself immersed in agriculture and food production.
GRDC co-invests in Soil CRC calcareous soils project
The Soil CRC has announced a $4 million project with co-investment from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) to investigate innovative solutions for low crop performance on highly calcareous soils.
Project Update: Smelling soil
Farmers often intuitively assess soil by smell. There's evidence that the fingerprint of gases emitted from soil can identify the composition and activity of the microbial community which relates to soil health.
Parliamentary Friends of Soil group announced
A Parliamentary Friends of Soil group has been established, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister the Hon Michael McCormack, with the Hon Linda Burney MP acting as co-chair.
Five with a farmer group – AIR EP
In May this year, the Lower Eyre Agricultural Development Association (LEADA) and the Eyre Peninsula Agricultural Research Foundation (EPARF) officially amalgamated to form AIR EP.