
Investing in soil stewardship

Rewarding farmers for good soil stewardship requires financial markets that are willing and able to invest in soil management. Unl...

Soil amendment trial underway in Burdekin, Queensland

Australia’s agricultural soils are often plagued with multiple physical and chemical constraints that hinder crop root growt...

Managing phytotoxicity in soils for stronger grain yields

Residual effects of herbicides in soil can linger longer than we realise. Little is understood about the toxicity threshold levels...

Charles Sturt University and Soil CRC – collaboration makes for better research outputs

Professor Michael Friend, Pro Vice Chancellor at Charles Sturt University, explains that collaborating with cooperative research ...

Talkin’ Soil Health Conference

Soil CRC participant Wheatbelt NRM held their Talkin’ Soil Health Conference in August at York in Western Australia. ...

Have your say on the National Soil Action Plan

The National Soil Action Plan is now open for public consultation until 7 November 2022....