Smart Soils community in action

| Posted Jun 13,2024

Last month, the Soil CRC and University of Newcastle hosted the National Soil Science Extension Team Smart Soils Community of Practice (CoP) in Newcastle (NSW). The event presented an opportunity for members to hear about the work of the Soil CRC and talk about how we can work together to facilitate knowledge sharing.

The Smart Soils CoP is the foundation of the Australian Government’s National Soils Extension Program and includes a national network of Regional Soil Coordinators who create connections with soil expertise and activities in their regions. CoP members, including representatives from the Soil CRC, Soil Science Australia, the Australian Government and TERN, come together regularly to stimulate a deeper understanding of our soils and soil health management.

Community of Practice Coordinator Abby Jenkins organised the event and said these gatherings encourage network building and expose participants to experts in the field of soil science.

“Participants at the Newcastle meeting and field trip told us they really valued the networking opportunity and having access to scientific expertise, as well as learning about the local soil and landscape systems,” she said.

Community of Practice member and Soil CRC Soil Knowledge Broker, Felicity Harrop, echoed Abby’s sentiments, noting the event helped to encourage collaboration to deliver soil extension.

“It was great to hear from the Soil CRC’s program leaders and PhD students, who shared some of our recent research highlights and answered questions from the Regional Soil Coordinators and other attendees,” Felicity said.

“It has been incredibly valuable to connect the researchers and students with the extension team members to foster linkages that have the potential to enhance our research delivery.”

Soil CRC CEO Dr Michael Crawford highlighted the importance of the Soil CRC working with this network to support the work of the Australian Government’s Drought Hubs, through which the Regional Soil Coordinators are employed.

“The Soil CRC is committed to supporting the implementation of the National Soil Strategy and ensuring that our research is disseminated to advisors and farmers by whatever means possible.”

Meet the Regional Soil Coordinators