New soil research aims to increase agricultural productivity
The Soil CRC announces 12 new research projects with total investment of $7m.
Soil Strategy a boost for soil health
The National Soil Strategy is a rallying call for all Australians with an interest in the management of one of our greatest resources – our soil.
Project Update: Application of liquid biosolids
Using nutrient-rich organic waste materials could be a viable option to mitigate the rising costs of fertilisers.
Partner Profile: Agriculture Victoria
Agriculture Victoria work in partnership with farmers, industry and communities to grow and secure agriculture in Victoria.
Project Update: New sensors to measure soil nutrients
This project is developing novel technology to directly measure soil chemical status, soil hydraulic characteristics and water retention influencing nutrient movement in a cost-effective way.
Policy makers discuss soil organic carbon on Earth Day
Policy advisers and decision makers involved in climate change and soil-related policy heard about soil organic carbon.
Five minutes with a farmer group – FarmLink
FarmLink is a member-led farming systems group, based at the Temora southern NSW.
CRC Alumnus – Dr Michael Crawford
Dr Crawford’s story starts in 1994 as a PhD student at the CRC for Soil and Land Management, one of the very original CRCs.
Soil CRC announces Penelope Wensley as new Patron
The Soil CRC has announced the Honourable Penelope Wensley AC as its new Patron.
Students learn from experience
The Soil CRC PhD student cohort participated in a workshop where they learned about communicating their research and gained some valuable career insights from some of our most experienced researchers.
Cover crops trials continue
Take a look at the update from the summer crop trial site at Wagga Wagga for the Soil CRC Project Plant based solutions to improve soil performance.
2021 Participants Meeting a success
Participants enjoyed the sharing of ideas and research, the discussions and the connections they made.