Soil CRC CEO, Dr Michael Crawford, had the honour last week of representing Australia at an APEC meeting on Food Security in Trujillo, Peru. The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum brings together 21 countries (or economies) to discuss best practice, exchange experiences and promote collaboration on various topics of mutual interest, in this case food security.

He presented some of the Soil CRC’s research in a workshop on “Addressing Food Security Challenges by Promoting data-driven Policymaking”. The workshop was organised by the Japanese Government, and featured speakers from Japan, China and the USA, as well as Australia.

Dr Crawford spoke about the Soil CRC and the research achievements of the Visualising Australasia’s Soils project led by Associate Professor Peter Dahlhaus at Federation University and the Social Benchmarking project led by Dr Hanabeth Luke at Southern Cross University.

He then participated in a panel discussion on using data to inform and drive policymaking, bringing a particular focus on the use of soil data, and what Australia is doing under the National Soil Strategy.

“It was a great opportunity to shine an international spotlight on the work of the Soil CRC, and highlight its relevance, not just to Australia, but to other countries in the Asia Pacific region,” Dr Crawford said.

Dr Crawford also attended other workshops on connecting family farms with consumers through digital technology, how to encourage public-private partnerships in agriculture, and the role of agricultural biotechnology in supporting food security.

“It was also an interesting insight into the world of international diplomacy, and to witness firsthand the work of the Australian Government representatives in promoting Australia’s values and perspectives on particular issues,” he said.

“I was greatly impressed by the hospitality (and security arrangements!) of the host nation Peru, and had the opportunity to learn about the history, culture and food of this South American nation.”

Dr Crawford’s participation was at the invitation of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), and his travel was funded by the Australian Government and the US Government.