Project 4.2.005 Assessing soil water storage
Dr Alice Melland Project Leader University of Southern Queensland This project aims to quantify how the diagnosis and management of soil constraints…
Project 4.2.006 Capitalising on established field trials for ameliorating (sub)soil constraints
Professor Richard Bell Project Leader Murdoch University Long-term field trials are essential for understanding the effects of amelioration techniques on soil health…
Project 4.2.007 Improving crop phosphorus supply on highly calcareous soils
Brian Dzoma Project Leader Primary Industries and Regions SA Calcareous soils occupy about 60% of the cropping soils in south-eastern Australia, and…
Project 4.3.001 Soil models, tools and data: Current state of play, future directions and setting up for longevity and a legacy from the CRC for High Performance Soils
Dr Keith Pembleton Project Leader University of Southern Queensland The suite of decision support systems (DSS) needed to be reviewed and assessed…
Project 4.3.002 Improving decision supports systems
Dr Keith Pembleton Project Leader University of Southern Queensland Farmers face multiple, complex soil constraints that are difficult and costly to diagnose,…
Project 4.3.005 Diagnosis frameworks for multiple and complex soil constraints
Professor Keith Pembleton Project Leader University of Southern Queensland The purpose of this project is to diagnose and prioritise multiple and interacting…
Project 4.3.006 Optimising soil constraint management through computer-based learning and modelling
Dr Chloe Lai Project Leader University of Southern Queensland This project aims to find the best ways to manage multiple soil constraints,…
Project 4.3.007 Next generation tools for higher performing soils
Professor Keith Pembleton Project Leader University of Southern Queensland Soil constraints affect 77% of Australian soils, costing producers over $1,900 million in…
Project 6.1.001 Building Capacity Project
Felicity Harrop Project Leader North Central Catchment Management Authority As farmers better understand the importance of sustainable soil management for their productivity…