Dr Nicholas Pawsey

Project Leader

Charles Sturt University

This project investigated how farmers who manage their soil well can be financially rewarded. It took a multi-disciplinary approach, involving soil researchers, farmer groups and the finance industry. Working together, they established a shared understanding of the soil-farmer-finance ‘system’.

Existing networks were strengthened and new ones developed in order to establish an agenda for on-going collaborative studies concerning how consumers value soil management and the financial mechanisms that promote effective and sustainable soil management practices.

The project demonstrated effective principles of collaboration that can be used by other Soil CRC projects that seek to understand the research needs of farmers and other stakeholders.

The longer term objective was to ensure that agricultural financial decision processes, together with land valuation practices, recognise farmers who enhance soil condition and also recognise the costs of soil degradation. This is ultimately to enable increased access to lower cost finance for farmers who engage in practices recognised as improving soil security, condition and productivity. The project was executed through a series of three workshops and the use of online collaborative platforms.