Project Investment Process

Through funding from the Australian Government’s CRC Program and from its participants, the Soil CRC has funds available to allocate to its Programs and Projects, as summarised in the 5 step Project Investment Process.
Please note that project proposals can only be submitted by Soil CRC participant organisations. If you are an external stakeholder (third party) who wishes to collaborate with the Soil CRC, please contact us via email so we can talk through the options.
Soil CRC Projects must contribute to meeting the pre-defined Commonwealth Activities (Outputs and Milestones). These are designed to lead to identified impacts on Australian agriculture. These Activities were identified by the Soil CRC participants who submitted a successful grant application to the Australian CRC Program in 2016. In accepting the grant, the Soil CRC is contractually bound to deliver these Activities, all of which have prescribed delivery dates.
These Activities will be delivered through completion of projects. Projects are called for through Investment Rounds (Calls). For each Call, the Soil CRC will identify priorities that will directly contribute to meeting the activities that are due and when to release a Call. As per the Agreement with the Australian Commonwealth Government, the Soil CRC is unable to invest in any projects that do not contribute towards completion of the prescribed Activities. Soil CRC participants are expected to contribute (i.e. invest) in each project and the Soil CRC will provide a cash contribution (co-investment).