The Soil CRC is excited to be contributing to the implementation of the inaugural National Soil Action Plan, which was launched by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Hon Murray Watt, in Canberra on 28 November.
This action plan helps to put the detail into the National Soil Strategy, released in 2021, and will address priorities for soil health. It sets out four priority actions to guide partner activities and investment in soil over the next five years:
- A national soil information framework to inform best practice management, decision-making and investment
- Holistic policy and strategy approaches where soil function is recognised, valued, and protected
- Adoption of land use and management practices that protect and improve soil
- Soil workforce and capabilities needed to meet current and future challenges.
Soil CRC’s CEO, Dr Michael Crawford, contributed to the Working Group that developed the action plan and said it is great to see it finally released.
“Through our investment and delivery, the Soil CRC is active in supporting all four priority actions of the action plan and we will ensure that all future investment and delivery by the Soil CRC continues to do so,” Dr Crawford said.
“Working together across Australia will help farmers better manage their soil and drive profitability and long-term soil security.”