Tuesday 8 March is International Women’s Day, and we acknowledge and celebrate the input and successes of women at the Soil CRC.

Across the Soil CRC, women lead and work on research teams, advocate, communicate, administer, facilitate and tirelessly work towards improving the health and productivity of Australia’s soils.

There are also 12 women studying for their PhD through the Soil CRC. One of these is Linda Wirf who is completing her PhD “Beyond adoption: gendered knowledges in agricultural practice change in Australia” at Charles Sturt University.

Previous research has shown that female farmers are often not included in agriculture outreach or extension programs in Australia.

The aim of Linda’s research is to provide a deeper understanding of the ways that female and male farmers view agriculture. It will explore the potential for including women’s knowledge and perspectives to facilitate practice change that supports agriculture sustainability. This is in a context of changing climate, soil degradation and increasing complexity.

Linda’s research study follows on from the extensive landholder surveys conducted by the Soil CRC, led by Dr Hanabeth Luke. They have surveyed four different farming regions across Australia. One of the regions – Eyre Peninsula in South Australia, is where Linda’s next round of interviews is focusing.

Linda is currently inviting landholders (both men and women) in the Eyre Peninsula to participate in a phone interview. She will be finding out about the way they farm and how they make farm management decisions.

Along with interviews, the research study includes focus groups with female farmers and a half day ‘world café session’ with 20 female farmers that will draw out ideas on agricultural outreach.

Linda is passionate about her research subject. She has grown up surrounded by female farmers, her mother and grandmother were both dairy farmers, so she says women farmers are part of her psyche.

“I believe that women farmers can play a key role in the transition to a more sustainable agricultural future,” she says.

Linda’s supervisors are a team of impressive women – Professor Catherine Allan, Dr Hanabeth Luke and Dr Sarina Kilham.

Research led by women, with a focus on discovering more about women in agriculture in order to include their knowledge more in the future; that’s worth celebrating this International Women’s Day!

Interviews with Eyre Peninsula landholders will be by phone or Zoom and take around an hour and can be at a time that is convenient to the participants, including weekends or evenings. This is an opportunity to have your views and experiences included in the study.

Linda is looking forward to talking with farmers and understanding more about agriculture in the Eyre Peninsula. If you would like more information about the study, please contact Linda on 0406 409 747 or lwirf@csu.edu.au.