Knowledge Hub
Knowledge Sharing Guide for Grower Groups (Project 1.2.006)
This Knowledge Sharing Guide is designed to be used as an easy reference for Australian farming grower groups and professionals involved in engagement, extension, education and other forms of knowledge sharing aimed at improving land and farm management.
Knowledge sharing for good soil stewardship – Fact sheet
This study provides opportunity for soil scientists to work with farmers to enable an approach to develop innovations with increased probability of adoption.
Supporting farmer decision making for soil stewardship and profitability – Technical report
An inventory of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Tools (DST) designed specifically for soil management, or for farm enterprises with a soil emphasis.
This document identifies existing (2018) systems and tools designed to assist farmer decision making associated with soil management, comments on their currency and considers the potential for the Soil CRC to further evaluate them and/or use them to assist farmer decision making in the future.
Soil data – Program 2 panel 2023 – Video
Soil CRC’s program 2 panel focused on how we value and manage soil data. Chaired by Soil CRC Soil Knowledge Broker, Felicity Harrop, the panel featured Federation University’s Peter Dahlhaus and Nathan Robinson, Nathan Craig from West Midlands Group and Jane McInnes from Riverine Plains. Recorded at the 2023 Soil CRC Participants Conference in Launceston, Tasmania, on 30 August 2023.