CRC Alumnus – Dr Michael Crawford
Dr Crawford’s story starts in 1994 as a PhD student at the CRC for Soil and Land Management, one of the very original CRCs.
Soil CRC announces Penelope Wensley as new Patron
The Soil CRC has announced the Honourable Penelope Wensley AC as its new Patron.
Students learn from experience
The Soil CRC PhD student cohort participated in a workshop where they learned about communicating their research and gained some valuable career insights from some of our most experienced researchers.
Cover crops trials continue
Take a look at the update from the summer crop trial site at Wagga Wagga for the Soil CRC Project Plant based solutions to improve soil performance.
2021 Participants Meeting a success
Participants enjoyed the sharing of ideas and research, the discussions and the connections they made.
PhD Student Profile: Xiangyu Liu
Xiangyu loves that his research with the Soil CRC isn't all based in a lab.
Biochar: an ancient waste-to-value product
From AU Manufacturing: A miracle all-in-one soil improver, waste disposer and planet saviour, or a biomassive waste of time?
Five minutes with a farmer group: Birchip Cropping Group
BCG is one of the largest farming systems groups in Australia.
Serious research making a practical difference
It’s the combination of agriculture, science and making a practical difference that inspires Soil CRC research scientist, Dr Richard Bell.
CANCELLED – 2021 Participants Conference
The 2021 Soil CRC Participants Conference has been cancelled (again!).
Soil carbon: what role can it play in reducing Australia’s emissions?
From The Guardian Australia, featuring Soil CEO, Dr Michael Crawford.
Farmers look to carbon capture to tackle emissions
Dr Michael Crawford, CEO of the Soil CRC says more research and data are needed for farmers to make the best possible decisions on carbon storage.