Profile: Professor Megh Mallavarapu
Professor Megh Mallavarapu’s passion lies with the incredible microbiology of the soil.
Partner Profile: SAGIT
SAGIT is a major partner in the Soil CRC. They are a charitable trust, and unlike our other major partners, do not provide research capability to the CRC, but they do contribute cash.
First Soil CRC PhD thesis submission!
We are very excited to announce that Soil CRC PhD student Xiangyu Liu from Griffith University is the first of our PhD cohort to submit his thesis!
Soil science critical to food production in a climate challenged future
From Australian University Science magazine: Australian farming is backed by a century of soil science critical to our capability to support food…
Farmers consulted in investment round
Planning for the next round of Soil CRC research investment has begun.
Five minutes with a farmer group – SPAA
SPAA is Australia’s leading independent precision agriculture research, development, and extension organisation.
Building soil knowledge in grower groups
This project has successfully increased the soil knowledge and technical capacity in grower groups, Landcare groups and NRM organisations.
New expertise joins the Soil CRC
The Soil CRC will increase its soil research capacity with two distinguished scientists joining one of its partner universities.
Five minutes with a farmer group – Facey Group
Facey Group aims to bring the community together to explore new farming methods and systems to improve the economic, social and environmental sustainability of their region.
Investing in the future of soil research
An important feature of all CRCs is building capacity for the future, and the Soil CRC is no different.
Project Update: Regenerative Farming Systems
This Soil CRC project aims to test a suitable research approach to quantifying the effectiveness of regenerative farming systems for improving soil performance.
Discovering soil like a mystery novel
Sepide Abbasi is a Soil CRC PhD student studying at the University of Newcastle.