Dr Nigel Wilhelm
Project Leader
Primary Industries and Regions SA
Calcareous soils are prevalent across south eastern Australia, occupying 60% of the cropping soils in the region. Calcareous soils are high in calcium carbonate which results in multiple constraints including low phosphorous, low water holding capacity, poor nitrogen cycling, high rhizoctonia burdens, severe fertiliser toxicity during germination and extreme pH, sodicity and salinity at depth. These can all result in severely limited crop productivity.
With co-investment from GRDC, this project will examine soil limitations in calcareous soils in innovative ways and within a farming systems context so that the outcomes will be realistic and easily implemented on farm. It will develop innovative physical and chemical management packages which are expected to include activated and nutrient enriched organic matter and chemical amendments to manipulate pH and redox potential. It will also provide information on threshold levels for constraints in highly calcareous soils and may use novel amendment products being developed in other Soil CRC projects.
The ultimate aim is to improve the soil conditions on calcareous soils and increase water use efficiency and crop performance.