Bret Ryan

Project Leader

Southern Farming Systems

Translating research outputs into tangible, practical outcomes for farmers can be challenging. This project will address the disconnect between research, next users, and end users that often leads to innovations failing to reach the people who can benefit most.

Led by Soil CRC farming group participants, the project aims to accelerate the delivery of Soil CRC innovations to end users (farmers) to increase adoption and engagement.

The project team will collaborate with key Soil CRC staff and participants to identify the most appropriate delivery pathways for our research outputs and innovations. These outputs will be themed or ‘packaged’ to provide integrated solutions that meet farmers’ needs. They will then be filtered into three pathways that expedite the translation of research to on-ground use:

  • An incubator program for novel outputs
  • Targeted extension for ready-to-adopt outputs
  • General awareness building campaigns.

This project will create a new model for accelerated research translation that will help to maximise the Soil CRC’s impact and provide a legacy framework for future CRCs and other soil research and extension programs to follow.