The Soil CRC Strategic Plan 2023-2027 was released at our Annual General Meeting in late November and will take us through the end of our 10-year term in June 2027.

We’re increasing our focus on integration, adoption and outreach, ensuring that the knowledge outputs of the Soil CRC are effectively delivered to next users, and ultimately to the farmers and land managers who depend on high performing soil. The new Strategic Plan reflects this.

Over the next three and a half years, we will continue to deliver and finalise existing research programs, but we will also work with our delivery partners to ensure that the knowledge generated is shared with our audiences, using both current and new pathways.

Importantly, we will focus on supporting our talented PhD students to completion and equipping them with a broader understanding and appreciation of soil and the agricultural sector it supports.

Of course, our emphasis will be on delivering against the agreed outputs and milestones of the 10-year CRC, but we will also explore opportunities for delivery beyond 2027 and consider how the Soil CRC can maximise its legacy, contribute fully to the implementation of the National Soil Strategy, and ensure that we meet the needs of Australian agriculture.

The plan was developed in consultation with Soil CRC Board, program leaders and senior staff, and builds on the recommendations of an external review carried out in late 2022.

View the Soil CRC Strategic Plan 2023-2027