Soil Constraints and Productivity is a new book aimed at helping scientists and advisors identify, understand and manage multiple soil constraints. It is published with the support of the Soil CRC and focuses on farm management practices to alleviate the problems caused by these constraints and their impacts on crop productivity.

Editors Professor Nanthi Bolan (University of Western Australia and former Soil CRC Program Leader) and Professor Mary Beth Kirkham (Kansas State University) acknowledge that adoption of existing amelioration tools and strategies is a major challenge for farming communities.

Drawing upon research expertise from across the world, the book describes various strategies suitable for mitigating soil constraints, looks at the cost-benefits of implementing these strategies, and presents useful case studies that highlight the productivity benefits of effectively managing soil constraints.

Among the publication’s contributing authors are Soil CRC researchers Dr Lukas Van Zwieten (NSW DPI), Professor Catherine Allan (CSU), Dr Amanda Schapel (PIRSA), Dr Ehsan Tavakkoli (NSW DPI) and Professor Richard Bell (Murdoch University).

Soil CRC CEO, Dr Michael Crawford, provides the book’s foreword and highlights the critical importance of soil to our planet and the challenges we face in managing soil now and into the future.

“Being able to define and identify the scope and scale of various constraints, and then identify possible strategies to address, ameliorate, or overcome those constraints, will hopefully provide the means by which we can better manage our soils to address these global challenges,” he writes.

Soil Constraints and Productivity is a key resource for soil and environmental scientists, students majoring in agricultural and environmental sciences, and crop consultants.

Order your copy in hardback or eBook from Routledge

A note about the publisher: CRC Press (established in in 1903) is a global publisher in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine. The Soil CRC has no affiliation with CRC Press.